
Dr. Yi-Ting Hsieh

Clinical Assistant Professor of Department of Ophthalmology, National Taiwan University Hospital

Speaker's Biography

Dr. Hsieh is a Clinical Assistant Professor of the Department of Ophthalmology at National Taiwan University Hospital and the Secretary-General of Taiwan Academy of Ophthalmology, Retina Branch. He received his M.D. from National Taiwan University and completed his residency and retina subspecialty fellowship at National Taiwan University Hospital. He further pursued a doctoral degree in Biostatistics at the Institute of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine of the College of Public Health at National Taiwan University. Upon completion of his Ph.D. degree, Dr. Hsieh went through a research fellowship at Duke Eye Center. He is actively involved in research related to the applications of AI to transform the future of eye care.


AI Solutions from an Ophthalmologist's Stand Point - The Future of Health Care


The eye is not only the window to the soul but also the window to the body. Fundus photography provides information about ocular diseases as well as systemic diseases. Diabetic retinopathy is one of the major microvascular complications of diabetes. Because there is no symptom during the early stage of diabetic retinopathy, it is easily neglected until the late stage of the disease, which might be too late for effective treatment to restore the vision. Diabetic care guidelines from the American Diabetes Association and many other associates have emphasized the importance of screening diabetic patients regularly to develop diabetic retinopathy. Nonmydriatic fundus photography offers an efficient and effective tool for diabetic retinopathy screening. Still, difficulties remain due to the lack of confident diagnosis and the time lag from diagnosis to reporting. Artificial intelligence software such as Verisee DR has shown promising accuracy in diagnosing referable diabetic retinopathy with instant reporting after fundus photography. It can help to refer patients with possible vision-threatening diabetic retinopathy promptly in an efficient way. Besides diabetic retinopathy, there are more ocular diseases and systemic diseases capable of being detected by artificial intelligence using fundus photography. We expect more AI solutions through the window of the body and soul will be available to help for health care in near future.

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